When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 491

Chapter 491


Chapter 491 


Avery did not respond to Mrs.Cooper.She should not have come here.She should have listened to Mike.Shea had her own phone.


If Avery wanted to thank her, all she had to do was give her a call and ask to meet her.


Once Avery arrived on the ground floor, she walked over to the couch and picked up her bag.


At that moment, a black Rolls-Roice came to a halt at the front yard.


Elliot was home.


Avery was chagrined.


If she had come down a minute earlier, then she would not run into him.She was upset enough as it was and wanted to be alone to let out her frustrations.


“Master Elliot’s home, Avery!” Mrs.Cooper said.


So what if he was home? Avery lowered her gaze and walked toward the front door with her bag.


Elliot already noticed the Rower parked at the front yard.

He did not expect Avery to come here. A s he got out of the car, his deep set eyes watched as she walked out of the house. Elliot walked over to Avery’s car and waited for her there. Even with the cool night breeze, his heart felt like it was on fire. Avery  quickly arrived in front of him.She glanced light at him, then said, “Move aside.” Elliot’s body stiffened.He did not know why she was i na bad mood. “Did you come here for something?” Elliot asked in a hoarse voice as he tried to stay patient. “I came to find misery,” Avery responded self- mockingly. Elliot glanced toward Avery’s car noticed the black Portia parked next to it.lt was Zoe’s car. “Shea’s sick, so I ask Zoe to come take a look,” he explained, then asked, “Did she upset you?”

“So what if she did? She’s your guest of honor, and I’m nothing,” Avery said coldly, then pulled out her keys and unlocked her car doors.


Elliot reached out and grabbed onto her arm.


“Why would you say something like that, Avery? If you’re nothing to me, then what about our child?”


Avery felt an ache in her abdomen.Her early pregnancy symptoms subsided early, so she regularly forgot about the fact that she was pregnant.


More than that, she did not want to think that there was any connection between her and Elliot.


“Did you come to see me?” Elliot asked when Avery remained silent.


“I didn’t,” Avery said as she gazed at his handsome yet haggard face.


”I came to see Shea. I won’t bother her since she’s sick.”

She got into the driver’s seat and fastened her seatbelt. Elliot stood outside the car door as he watched her with blazing eyes. The agony in his voice was undisguised as he said, “What do you want from me, Avery? I wouldn’t have to beg an outsider if you were willing to help me.” “Why should I help you?” A very did not look at him because her eyes were already reddened. “You gave up on us because of the secret between you and Shea.Even if I said I felt like a homewrecker, you never considered my feelings or my circumstances.What reason do I have to help you? You’re not the only one who is hurting in the world.Other people’s hearts can break, too!” Elliot saw the glistening of tears in the comer of her eyes. It felt like thousands of arrows were piercings through his heart! “Avery, Shea is my…” He decided to tell her the truth.

very suddenly looked up at him.She heard the coldness in her own voice as she said, “Shut up.Don’t tell me.l don’t want to hear it!”

The tears finally began to stream down her face. She took a deep breath, started the car, then sped off into the dark night. Elliot remained where he stood and threw his head back in tortured anguish.

